Hello I'm

Chia-Chuan Tsou

But people often refer to me as
Jason, Coffee Addict or Codeaholic.

As an upcoming second-year computer science student from Australia, I'm on a mission to explore and deepen my understanding of all things related to technology and web development.

headshot picture

01. About
A little more about me...

Let me tell you a story about the 178th bone of the human body. It's boring... Like REALLY boring.

That's the moment I realized that medicine just wasn't for me. I needed something that would challenge me in new and exciting ways every day and let me express my creativity. So, I decided to take a leap of faith and dive into the deep, dark depths of computer science.

And man, was it the best decision I've ever made!

The moment my code displayed "Hello World!" on my screen, I knew without a doubt that I had discovered my true passion. To create something out of words and letters, to me, was simply awe-inspiring. Since then, I've been completely hooked on the world of technology. While my focus right now is on web development I'm always on the lookout for new opportunities to learn and grow in this constantly evolving field.

02. Skills and Technologies
What I'm familiar with...

03. Projects
What I've done in my spare time...

To Do List

Click Me!


A To-Do List website made by HTML, CSS, Javascript.

User can add, check and delete tasks off. Tasks details can also be viewed and edited.

Other functionalities include adding different projects, checking weekly and daily tasks and screen enlargement to full size if need be.


In practicing CRUD principles, the most challenging aspect I found when completing this project is the prior brainstorming/mapping of each classes/factory functions to coordinate each tasks and projects.


Click Me!


A fully responsive one-stop Movies/TV shows website searcher that displays its following watch providers with its relevant info. Built using HTML, CSS, Javascript.

This website fetches data from TMDB Api (The Movie DataBase) and lays the data out in a user-friendly format. User can also select a country to display relevant watch providers for streaming, purchase and/or rent.

Other functionalities include displaying most-commonly searched info, reviews, trailer video and recommendations based on the searched movie/tv show.


First time dealing with async/await functions with relevant error handling felt very unfamiliar and awkward. Thankfully, the CRUD process felt comfortable after completing the To-Do-List.


Click Me!

Pygame Slot Machine

An interactive slot machine game, built using Python with its open-source GUI Pygame library.

The player may spin the reel and set the wager amount to spin.

Other functionalities include local game storage to save the game by utilising json write to file.


Because this was one of my first personal projects, it proved to be a fun challenge to implement object-orientated principles in a MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern. Working with path directories for assets and animations were also quite unfamiliar initially.

04. Blog
What I write for other students and junior developers...

Emmet Icon Picture

9th March 2023

Time-saving tool for lazy (but efficient) developers.

Web Development

This blog was primarily written for DECO1400 students (Introduction To Web Design) as suggested by the lecturer. The guide was endorsed in the ed Discussion Board and has been viewed by more than 400 students.

"Tired of wasting precious time typing out repititve lines of HTML/CSS code? Or rather dread the feeling of carpal tunnel set in after hours of coding? Well, look no further, for Emmet is here to save the day (and your hands)."

Emmet Icon

28th Match 2023

Change from tkinter GUI to pygame

Game animation

Written for CSSE1001 students (Introduction to Software Engineering).

"Using the tkinter as a GUI library for A3 was fun... not really... There's a better library (in my opinion) when creating games in python. This guide will help clarify the similiarities and differences of tkiner GUI and Pygame so you can transition from the libraries easier!"

05. Contact
Let's talk!

I am currently looking for any Software Engineering and / or Web Development roles / opportunities.